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Module 3: (1) Putting In Place Standard Contractual Clauses After Schrems
Implementing Europe's New Standard Contractual Clauses in a Post-Schrems II World
Standard contractual clauses GDPR
All change on international transfers with new Standard Contractual Clauses
Exporting personal data from the EEA/The fallout from Schrems II Pt 2: Standard contractual clauses
CIPP Exam Module 3 GDPR 2024 Update
All change on international transfers with new Standard Contractual Clauses
EDPB guidance on Schrems II and new draft SCCs – what do they mean for data transfers?
Module 3: (2) Binding Corporate Rules
How to run a data transfer impact assessment after the Schrems II case
What changes with the new Standard Contractual Clauses on data transfers?
The New Standard Contractual Clauses – A first overview of the changes